Of Fervorous Bodies is a three-person project presenting artworks by Sara Abbaspour, Mahsa Biglow, and Mehrdad Mirzaei. The works on view result from extensive conversations among the artists, and each exhibit works with a unique perspective towards the psycho-socio-political condition in Iran in the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic revolution. The show includes photographic sequences and photo/video installations that focus on the intersection of visual poetry, natural transformation, psychological state, and images of resistance in the form of photography, archiving practices, and video installation. 

Abbaspour photographs subjects in meditative states. Her photographs often seem timeless and placeless. While encompassing various forms and subjects, from urbanscapes to portraits and still lives, the photo sequences are intended to be read as visual poetry of spaces in transitional states. 

Biglow's video installation incorporates found footage from recent riots and protests in Iran, projected on layers of half-transparent films from disassembled flat-screen TVs, highlighting moments of resistance through fragmented videos posted on social media.  

Mirzaie exhibits selected sections of massive archives created over several years of recording, archiving, and reproducing images. Influenced by the socio-political conditions he experiences, he shapes and employs an aesthetical system of images and information to carefully study the Historical Image. 

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